The LA Marathon is a challenging course, so preparing for it requires dedication and focus on the details. Here are five tips to help you get ready for the big day:
Success Tip #1: Learn And Practice Running Hills
The LA Marathon course includes several hills, so make sure you practice running gradual and steep hills in your training.
Also, it’s critical that you focus on your running form and approach on steep hills, so you that you can protect your knees and conserve your energy in the race.
Remember, there is no shame in walking. And sometimes, it’s the smarter play on steep hills. So make sure you practice walking with purpose and power on hills. You might need that race saving skill on the course.
Success Tip #2: Prepare For All Weather Conditions
“It never rains in Southern California,” is a lie.
While most of the time we have “perfect” weather, the LA Marathon takes place in March…which means the weather can be quite unpredictable. It could rain. It could be windy. It could be super cold. It could be super hot. Or it could be ideal.
You won’t have any idea until about a week before the race. So practice running in hot, cold, windy, and wet weather, and adjust your gear, fueling, and hydration strategies accordingly.
Success Tip #3: Do 2 Sweat Tests
One of the best ways to determine your hydration and electrolyte needs is to do a sweat test. This will allow you to learn how much you sweat and how much sodium you lose, so you can adjust your hydration and electrolyte intake accordingly.
Because if your current hydration strategy is “drink when I’m thirsty,” that’s a recipe for headaches, reduced performance and muscle cramps.
That’s why I suggest that you take two sweat tests: One during a “not-hot-weather” 60-minute training run; and one during a warm-to-hot-weather 60-minute training run.
Record your results and practice your hydration strategies accordingly throughout your training and on race day.
THIS IS HUGE if you can nail it!
Success Tip #4: Learn The Course
Knowing what to expect is a BIG confidence builder.
Familiarize yourself with the course by running it, driving it and/or watching videos about the course. This will help you know what to expect and plan your strategy accordingly.
Success Tip #5: Start Slow
Starting too fast is one of the best ways to blow up your race.
The adrenaline rush at the start of the race can make you feel invincible, but believe me when I say (with love), you are vincible. And starting too fast is a great way to prove it.
So stay disciplined and stick to your logical race plan. If you start in your correct estimated finish-time-based corral, you should be fine.
Patiently wait for the crowd to spread out so you can run your intended pace. It’s a marathon. You have plenty of time to get into your rhythm.
Do not waste your energy weaving through the crowd. Instead, ride the downhill just outside of Dodger Stadium and gradually ease into your planned race pace. This will help you conserve energy and avoid hitting the wall later on.
By following these tips, you’ll be well on your way to a successful LA Marathon experience. Remember to stay focused, stay committed, and enjoy the journey!
If you have any questions or need additional support, feel free to contact me at https://greenrunnerla.com/contact-us/.
Cheers to your successful LA Marathon,
Martise : )