Face it—slow is not sexy…

It may be natural, and it may be necessary…

💡But slow is not your destiny if don’t want it to be…

First of all…”slow” is subjective…

It’s subject to what you consider to be “slow…”

If you are running 7:00/minute miles and elite runners are running 5:00/minute miles…why yes, you are slowcompared to elite runners 🤤

❓But the real question is…why are you comparing yourself to elite runners?

How does that make you anything BUT slow… 🤦

The reality is that you have no control over how fast or slow other people are…

But you do have control over becoming a faster, stronger version of you…

That’s one of the great things about running…

It’s really easy to tell if you are improving…

Make your personal growth your primary focus… 💯

And if you are in a slump, focus on the lessons you are learning from said slump…

And if you are not sure what lessons you are learning…

Reach out for help…

🙋Feel free to contact me and tell me about the running challenges you are facing and I’ll give you some advice on how to overcome them.

Cheers to running faster,

Martise : )

The Run Faster Coach