What Rest Day Really Means for Runners

If you want to run faster…ACTUAL REST DAYS are required. 💯 They give your body the opportunity to build back stronger. 💪 Remember: Stress + Rest = Growth Any questions? Cheers to you running faster, Martise : ) The Run Faster...

The Truth About Running

Did you feel this?! 👉 👉 👉 I didn’t either when people first used to ask me to do long-distance races with them when I always saw myself as a sprinter only… But then I read “Born To Run” by Christopher McDougall, and I suddenly got that I can be a distance...

How Runners Can Push Through Hills

This completely blew my mind 🤯 And with some practice, perhaps you can get a piece of this pie too!? After you try it out, let me know in the comments or contact me at https://greenrunnerla.com/contact-us/ to tell me how it went. Cheers to you running faster, Martise...

Runner Deja Boo

https://youtube.com/shorts/gl6bYt_VaxQ?feature=share If you’re tired of running the same slow times over and over, take my Run Faster Formula for a spin. I guarantee that it will help you run faster than you are right now. Just contact me...