FUN FACT 💥 👀 I GET INVESTED IN MY CLIENTS’ RACING GOALS. IT’S THE BEST FEELING TO SEE THEM BREAKTHROUGH & PR! There, I said it. Now it’s your turn! Tell me what you’re addicted to when it comes to running or racing. ⤵️ Cheers to running faster,...
NO, RUNNER! YOU CAN HELP YOURSELF!! STOP RUNNING ON INJURED BODY PARTS. 🛑 Fact: Running on an injury is more likely to make it worse than make it better. Contrary to popular belief…pushing through injury pain is not determination—it’s SHORT-SIGHTED…...
3 Things You NEED to Break Through Your Race-Time Plateaus ⤵️ 💥 Address you running form inefficiencies 💥 Strengthen your speed muscles 💥 Master your mindset When you address one, or better yet all three of these things, you can find some hidden speed inside your body...
🚨Tough convo alert: YOUR BODY IS CONSTANTLY TRYING TO HOLD YOU BACK. As a new long-distance runner, I can’t tell you how often I dealt with this. In fact, sometimes I STILL deal with it. But I’ve gotten so much more confident over the years. I’m asked about this a...
My running clients are THE WORST! 🤣 One of the first things I do with them is help them find their fastest, most efficient running form… And once they learn it… They become more self-aware…and in a lot of cases…critical of other runners’...