The Run Faster Coach Confessions Ep. 2

FUN FACT 💥 👀 I GET INVESTED IN MY CLIENTS’ RACING GOALS. IT’S THE BEST FEELING TO SEE THEM BREAKTHROUGH & PR! There, I said it. Now it’s your turn! Tell me what you’re addicted to when it comes to running or racing. ⤵️ Cheers to running faster,...

Unproductive Runner Behavior

NO, RUNNER! YOU CAN HELP YOURSELF!! STOP RUNNING ON INJURED BODY PARTS. 🛑 Fact: Running on an injury is more likely to make it worse than make it better. Contrary to popular belief…pushing through injury pain is not determination—it’s SHORT-SIGHTED…...

3 Must-Dos to Break Through Your Race-Time Plateaus

3 Things You NEED to Break Through Your Race-Time Plateaus ⤵️ 💥 Address you running form inefficiencies 💥 Strengthen your speed muscles 💥 Master your mindset When you address one, or better yet all three of these things, you can find some hidden speed inside your body...

Initial Running Negotiations

🚨Tough convo alert: YOUR BODY IS CONSTANTLY TRYING TO HOLD YOU BACK. As a new long-distance runner, I can’t tell you how often I dealt with this. In fact, sometimes I STILL deal with it. But I’ve gotten so much more confident over the years. I’m asked about this a...

Turning Running Clients Into Running Critics

My running clients are THE WORST! 🤣 One of the first things I do with them is help them find their fastest, most efficient running form… And once they learn it… They become more self-aware…and in a lot of cases…critical of other runners’...