Hey Man,

My name is Stretching.  You may of heard of me?  I help people increase their range of motion, prevent athletic injuries, and just plain feel better.  I’ve been around a long time, but you and I are not that familiar.  I know you’ve seen me a few times.  And we probably hung out once or twice.  But it’s been so long, that I can’t really remember when that was.  I see you around a lot at the gym and at the track, but you don’t pay me much attention.  It’s like I’m invisible or something.

Every now and then you pick something up off the floor and we fist bump for like a second; but then you keep passing by as if it meant nothing to you.  I gotta be honest, Man:  It feels like you don’t care about me at all.  

Why don’t you like me?  I know I’m more popular with the ladies; but even they ignore me sometimes.  I’m starting to get a complex about it.  What is it with you humans?  Are doggies the only ones I can count on?  Is it because you teared up during those two or three times we spent time together?  No one saw–I promise.

I’m sorry if I hurt you sometimes; but I swear I’m only trying to help you.  You know those times when you want to run really fast, but can’t, because you’re so tight you can’t get your knees up?  I can help you with that.  Oh, and those times when your legs get really tired from doing all the work because your shoulders are inflexible from lifting, so you can’t swing your arms to share the momentum load.  Yeah, I can help with that too.  

Okay…I’ll admit that I’m a bit high maintenance.  I require attention before, after and sometimes during athletic activity.  But I am worth it.  Seriously, the more we hang out, the more we’ll get along and the better your recovery and performances will get.  

Believe me, you’d much rather stick with me than Strained or Pulled.  They are way lame.    

So whaddya say, huh?  The next time you put on your running shoes, basketball shoes or tennis shoes, you’ll reach out?? 

Possibly yours,

Stretching : )