Do you have an injury that’s stopping you from training or racing? Are you down in the dumps because of it?

Well, keep your head up! Sometimes an injury can set you up for a strong comeback. I know it’s hard to see everyone else race while your sidelined with an injury, especially if your training was going well. But sometimes your body just needs a break to revitalize. And sometimes it forces you to take that break.

2017 NYC Marathon Winner, Shalane Flanagan, attributes some off her success to an injury she had nine months before the race, which she let heal for 10 weeks. “I think it was a blessing that I had an extended break like that,” she recalled at the winner’s press conference. 

So if you are nursing an injury right now, take this new-found extra time to catch up on some fun stuff you’ve wanted to do, while sticking to a therapy regiment that will strengthen your body and your mind. You are the author of your story. See it, write it and work it the way you want it to go.

Tell us what your comeback story is going to be in the comments below.

Healing wishes,
Martise : )

PS: Get a jumpstart on your comeback with my free 5-day minicourse, How to Run Faster NOW.